Shipping Information

We are very proud to offer free shipping on all of our items! Currently we do not ship outside of USA. Orders normally take only 2-5 business days to arrive (approximately) through USPS’s Priority Shipping. 🇺🇸

This time frame is divided into two parts:

  • Processing time: Order verification, tailoring, quality check and packaging. All orders will be dispatch within 24 hours after the order is placed. Order placed after 4pm PST will be dispatched the next business day (Monday through Friday). Orders placed after Friday 1pm PST will be dispatched on the following Monday.
  • Shipping time: This refers to the time it takes for items to be shipped from our warehouse to the destination. US orders are shipped by USPS Priority Shipping, which is a US Postal Service product. After processing and leaving the warehouse, items usually take between 1 to 4 business days to arrive at their destination but can take longer from time to time.

However, please understand this is an estimate. The shipping speed is outside our control and is dependent on the courier company.

🎉 Special Announcement: Due to year-end congestion and the impact of wildfires in California, our network is currently experiencing some shipping delays. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding.